Friday, October 5, 2012

Acronyms - here's my twist!

ACRONYM - extracted from Wikipedia; it says ~ Acronyms and initialisms are abbreviations formed from the initial components in a phrase or a word. For example : LOL = Laugh/laughing Out Loud. Well, you are smart, sure you get my drift, don't ya? Well, here are some twists to some famous acronyms and how to use it. 

Prior to that, NOTE ! "Disclaimer" ~~ Please, please do not take me to court or send me legal letters, its all in the name of humour and fun. It it not meant in anyway to belittle/condemn/dishonour the name of the establishment, organization, movie or TV series. Afterall, it i.e the acronym can represent anything right? Am just a simple person adding some jest in please do not take me to court,ya. Thank you! (written without prejudice to my rights)

BMW (Bavarian Motor Works, Hah! Now you know,eh?)
1) Bring My Wine! = "Hey Waiter...BMW, please"
2) Bring the Mistress not the Wife = guy to another guy planning on an Yachting trip..."Yo, bro...BMW, ya. Remember?"
3) Bald-headed Moron @ Work or Botak Man Working = "Hey, see the BMW!"
4) Broad Minded Women = "Whoa....she is a BMW"
5) Boring, Moody & Worked-up = "Yo, bro...BMW-lah, wanna come out for a drink?"

IBM (International Business Machine)
1) I Brought the Money! = When paying ransom to kidnappers " IBM, so please release my xxxxxx "
2) I bribed the Man! = "ssshhhh...don't tell anyone how I got away with the speeding summon..IBM!!"
3) I Baked the Mooncakes = Wife to husband "Nice or not? IBM"

WWF (World Wildlife Fund or World Wrestling Federation)
1) Women, Wine & Fun! = Guy to his buddies, "You are all invited to my party. I have WWF!" 

ISO (commonly known as International Organization of Standardization )
1) I Saw Obama!!! = overheard in a restaurant "OMG, you won't believe this, ISO!!"
2) I'm So Obsessed = Girl sleepover party heard whispering " You know Sue, ISO with Gucci bags"

CSI (Crime Scene Investigators)
1) Change Sex Immediately! = One transgender to another..."Now that you have the money, quickly go CSI!" 
2) Came, Saw & Ingested = Garfield tells Jon how the lasagne went missing. "Jon....I...errr...CSI"

NCIS (Naval Criminal Investigative Service)
1) Next Change Is Soon = When they need to inform the cinema goers on next upcoming movie, they place the preview screen on the NCIS notice board.
2) No Crime plz! It's Sinful. = Notice to all criminals out there "NCIS!!!"

NGO (Non Governmental Organization)
1) Not Going Oredi = respond in SMS to a friend's invite..."sorry, I NGO"

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
1) commonly known as No Action Talk Only = "Aiya, don't NATO-lah, make sure its done!"

LOL (duh!) 
1) Lend Or Loan = "Can you LOL me RM50.00?"
SOS (Save Our Souls)

1) Sayang Oh Sayang = Man to his mistress "I'll be seeing you tonight, SOS. Let's meet at ....."

GBU (supposedly God Bless U) 
1) Great Breasts! Ulala = guy whispering to his buddy " Bro, check that chick's GBU...smoking hot!!!"

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M & M's (Named after the 2 surnames of the colorful button shaped candies company founders) 
1) Men & their Money! = "M&M are soon parted if they get hooked with China dolls"
2) Moron & Maniac = "Psst...look at that M&M!!!" Hahahahaha....

FB (FaceBook)
1) Fight Back!! = "You think I scared of you ah? See if I FB or not! Nah!!!"
2) Fed-up, Bro/Babe = " so FB with my boss...blah,blah,blah"
3) Fabulous body = "Yo, look at that chick with the FB. Chun, man"

AES (Automated Enforcement System)
1) Always Eyeing Speedlimit!!! = "Malaysian Police not reducing crime rates but AES to get more speeding funds!!! Sigh...."
2) Always Envy Something = ladies 'bitching' about another lady they don't like "Ya-lah, whenever I buy something, she AES I buy...I so FB!"

ATM (Automated Teller Machine)
1) Always Take Money = One woman to another woman "I tell you mother-in-law ATM from my husband one"  
2) At The Mall = wife speaking to her husband on the mobile "Darling, I'm ATM-lah, you want anything?"

TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine)
1) Things Cost Money = Man to his mistress who ATM from him says to her "Dear, times are bad. Don't buy another LV bag-lah...TCM, you know?"

LCCT (Low Cost Carrier Terminal)
1) Let's Cha Cha & Tango = China doll sponsor tells her "Come come Mei Nui (pretty lady in Mandarin), LCCT tonight, want go?"

I hope you had a good laugh or at the least I managed to put a smile on your face... So, what's your twist to some of these acronyms? Come drop me a line and share your thoughts...afterall, they say "sharing is caring".

Until my next blog, take care, ride safe and CARPE DIEM!!!

Ciao / Ta-ta / Bye bye / "Choy Keen" / Chai Chean"/ Jumpa Lagi / Sayonara!


Anonymous said...

I don't know any acronyms,
but to me it just so seems.
Long, long list, pray tell.
How you did it so well?
Or just your active mind,
That made it up in time,
To post it in your blog,
So people laugh and talk.
I think you've succeeded.
Write another, repeated.

Unknown said...

Philoawesomegiftideas....U are so poetic, perhaps u would like to post on my blog sometime? Cheers!!!

cheekylaine said...

I like your ATM - Always Take Money!!!

Anyway, BMW in MH we usually term as Basi Mini Wilayah in SG it's Bus, MRT & Walk

Unknown said...

cheekylaine - Yup! I forgot about Bas Mini Wilayah. And thanks for adding Bus, MRT & Walk to the list. Can u make a sentence out of it?