Monday, October 1, 2012


Last Christmas we rode 700km in a day travelling from PJ>Bentong>Cameron Highlands>Ipoh>PJ. To find out more, read 

Grouping at 6.45am NKVE.
Yesterday, we did a similar stunt! This time about 480km riding from 7.13am to 4.45pm! Are we crazy? Yes, and we had a whole gang of crazy bikers sharing the same idiosyncrasy  :)  17 bikers, some with pillions. At the start, 1 cruising bike dropped off due to chain problem at NKVE. We arrived at BIG HOUSE in Bentong (approx 76km from Petaling Jaya) for breakfast as it could cater for all the bikes and it had ample seatings.

After a much needed break, the entire entourage headed to Maran; some 118km from Bentong. Several small villages' villagers along the trunk road we passed by must have been awaken by the roaring bikers in the early hours of Sunday, a rest day. Poor thing.

Not for the bikers though...they were up early as they had a long ride ahead. I enjoyed the easy ride and the cool winds blowing. We arrived at Maran to refuel and regroup as we had a mixed group of bikes from goldwing, pacific coast, Valkyrie, BMWs, Kawasakis, Yamaha, Honda, etc ranging from 650 cc to 1400cc.

After some discussion & a 'confusing' unanimous vote later, we headed towards Jerantut instead of Kuantan. The ride was a 'thumbs up' for many bikers as they really enjoyed the corners and curves the newly paved road provided for them. I too enjoyed the ride and wondered if it would give the same enjoyment on a car...hmmm....

In Jerantut, the Pacific coast bike over heated! While some scouted for place to eat, others went in search of mechanic to solve the over heating. 
How we improvise on space to place our helmets & jackets....while we eat.

Ryan found a chicken rice shop nearby and majority of us gladly dropped our 'butts' to eat. Some ate elsewhere as they overshot us earlier on and couldn't locate us. By the way, food isn't a priority for bikers, ahem...if you must know...its the RIDE..duh! Need I clarify??? hehehehe....

An hour later, all system is "go". We headed back to Bentong via Raub & Benta for refueling as well as to contribute to their economy. We were down to 13 bikes by then. Hmmm...13 bikes multiply by average fuel of RM20 = well, Benta...we did our part ;)

From Benta it was Vrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrroooooooooooooooooom all the way home. For Rocker57 and I, we had barely an hour to refresh ourselves before heading for Rocker57's nephew's wedding dinner. If you were there at the dinner & if you saw two tired looking zombies seating near the bride groom's section looking oh so darn dead tired...well that was us...sore butts, tired eyes due to lack of sleep but 2 darn happy souls.

Check me out again in two weeks as Rocker57 and I embark on our annual "cuti-cuti Malaysia" to Kota Bharu, Kuala Trengganu and Kuantan. And the following week to Krabi....all on ZacBoy, obviously! And in case you are new to my blog....ZacBoy is our bike....hehehhehe..... 

A post script note for Rocker57....its written in black & white, and so Krabi we shall go. We are committed and so we shall riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide.....Krabi here we come.......

Until the next blog....Have ZacBoy will travel. Ciao!!


sam said...

u make sure your rocky read this last para in your blog. make rocky ride this coming sun... it is the ducati's turn to wear the tyres this sun. oh, make sure he brings u along.

Unknown said...

Sam ~ Already 'kena' from Rocker57 for being 'sibuk/8', now he is committed! He read the last para, obviously!!!
Perhaps, he plans to ride solo coming Sun. Still can't see your Ducati :(
Ride safe!!