Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Shark meat at Jiann Chyi, Sekinchan 22 July, 2012

Largest congregation for a day's ride I've ever experienced. 20 bikers, 85% from Klang with only Alex, Ravi & Rocker57 not from there. Consisting of a mixture of bikes, bikers & 4 ladies. As usual, pretty disorganised but somehow we managed to get where we want to go...still amazes me who was actually leading the group up until now.

We gathered at a petrol station somewhere in Klang for late comers who apparently was having breakfast while we were waiting for them!! Well, time keeping is NOT the forte for bikers, I've learnt thus far from the many rides and also learn to live with it else I'll get agitated over something I have no control over....whatever for...Chill, chill.

Lost track of time due to chaotic planning. Someone mentioned that we were going for Wan Tan Mee for breakfast. After much riding into an unknown area to Rocker57 and I, we arrived at Shin Lok coffee shop in Taman Kenari, Jeram! Apparently, this coffee shop specialises in Pow/Pao/Pau "dumpling" and Yam puffs or Woo Kok. Unfortunately for us, they will not be ready until about 11ish & we have to place orders so that we can collect it on our way back. We decided not to as we weren't sure whether we will be heading home the same route as Alex, Ravi and us planned to leave earlier as I have a prior engagement.
After a lengthy breakfast, we were brought to the beach in Pantai Remis about a km from the shop we had breakfast. Incidentally, Shin Lok is along the main road, you can't miss it because the Taman Kenari Signboard is just in front of the shop and there is a small village mosque next to the shop.

Shin Lok Coffee shop, corner lot just as you enter Tmn Kenari

Pantai Remis, not much of a view...rocky & road conditions bad.
After a group picture (using Vincent's camera), we adjourned to Sekinchan. We passed Kuala Selangor on the way there. Along the way, we passed by many small villages and towns. We arrived at Sekinchan at 11+am and headed straight to Jiann Chyi for lunch!! We were split into two groups. The RELA bikers & klang bikers ate in another restaurant while Vincent & wife, Alex, Ravi, Tong & his brother & brother-in-law & Ah Yat ate with us at Jiann Chyi. Specialty is baby shark meat!

My 3rd time eating this exotic delicacy, the other two occasions in Kepong. We had it in two versions, cooked in spicy curry sauce and deep fried. The former tasted much better. The latter was bland & a bit over fried.

Claypot "tong shat fish"

Deep fried baby shark

Fried shrimp & spicy curry baby shark meat.

The meat was soft & tasty just like any fish except that the skin of the shark is thicker & fatter in texture, ahhh more collagen, right?. Bones are a bit like stingray, transparent, longish - edible if cooked thoroughly, if not, inedible but minimal bones except for the main spine. The fried shrimp was tasty, sweet and cooked just right. We all had our own bottle of 'home-made' kedondong drink, 1 vegy & 5 dishes plus rice and drinks only set us back RM14.70 each!

I'll forever remember Sekinchan. I had a bad case of bone stuck in my throat when I was in my early 20's. I stopped eating fish for over a decade before eating fish again in my 30's. Sekinchan repeated history! Bone not from the shark but the 'tong shat'! Please don't ask me what fish. To me, all fish look alike!! Anyway, following an age old Chinese tradition of swallowing rice did the trick after numerous attempts!! But hey, I DID not put a bowl atop my head and hitting it repeatedly with a pair of chopsticks, OK?!?! I ain't that traditional & 'dumb' OK? LOL.

Then, we headed to another beach just a short ride from the restaurant.

We hung around the beach area (all in shaded places!!) in various groups ~ lazing and chatting for over an hour. The cool breeze and nice weather was condusive. Before we departed, we took a group photo. 

Prior to that, the bikers knowing that I too love to ride was recommending me various bikes that they think I can ride on despite of my vertically challenged situation. But....I finally found my match...YES in Sekinchan beach...TA-DAAAAAaaaa....Vrooooom Vrooom.

Haha...finally found my bike, miniature M1 racing bike. VA VA Voom!!! Nah, fun for spins around the beach but my search continues....

Until my next blog...Stay focus, stay positive & stay happy ALWAYS!!! 

p.s - I will not eat baby shark meat anymore because it is cruel to eat shark's fin soup, what more baby sharks!!! FYI, I've abstained from eating suckling pigs many many years ago after 2-3 attempts when the dish gained popularity. I find it cruel and eating baby shark is just as cruel. So, NO MORE baby shark meat!!! YAY!!!!


Unknown said...

Sam ~ U R a monster!! A T-Rex!! Roar!!! We same-same animal zodiac.

But seriously, no more baby sharks & small oink2. At the rate human eat, a lot of livings things apart from homo-sapiens will be extinct soon.

How was your SIN trip? How come didn't join us to Sekinchan?

Philo said...

I have eaten shark meat only once. It was very smooth, sweet and very fine. I dare say that it was one of the best tasting fish around.

However, I support your sentiment about not eating shark meat. My philosophy is to try eating any new food at least once.