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~ talking loudly, sometimes I can barely hear what is said! To be heard, we have to speak a decibel or two higher and then you'll notice that the entire restaurant patrons are talking 2-3 decibel louder! Well... you get what I mean. When we were in Italy, Rocker57, my son and I had to whisper in the restaurant as the patrons were so QUIET!!! What a change and oh so refreshing!
~ calling the waiter "hello, hello" or "Waiter!" I read somewhere that this is the two MOST annoying things waiters HATE! Why can't we give them the respect and just say "Excuse me?" They are not slaves, so treat them with respect....pluzzzz. Even if you have slaves, please call them by their name. Alternatively, restaurant owners should give the waiters a name tag or coach their waiters/waitresses to address themselves before taking orders, that way, no egos will be bruised.
~ answering the phone; the entire restaurant/cinema/shopping mall knows the whole content of the conversation because the conversation is LOUD! Please, respect yourself & the person calling you! Not forgetting the 'unwilling' audiences. Excuse me Sir/Ma'am, we are NOT at all interested in your conversation! Duh!
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~~ not giving way even after signalling, in fact most even step on it just so you can't get in. Why? As if they can get to their destination much much faster by not giving in, why the selfishness???
~~ driving at 110kph on the extreme right lane! Yes, speed limit is 110km but please move to the inner lane once you have over taken, haven't you heard of road courtesy???
~~ double parking!!! Do unto others what you want others do unto you!!! If you need to get to a place to eat, find a proper parking then walk to the restaurant. Not park near the restaurant at YOUR convenience but at the expense of others!!! And when the 'victim' honks, please have the courtesy to come out and check if it is your vehicle that is blocking or have the "brains' to leave your contact number on the windscreen! I doubt you would do it again if you encounter a road bully or have your windscreen smashed for your selfishness. :)
~~ yellow box in Malaysia means "come join in the fun!" Malaysians in general do not respect the yellow box. Everyone is rushing, rushing....flaunting the law is nothing! Arrrrghhh.... Maybe it needs to be changed to RED BOX?...(but then that is the name of a Karaoke chain ....hehhehee...)
~~ speeding at the sight of amber traffic light! Excuse me!!! means get ready to stop, not step on it. Do you need to go back to driving school for a refresher course?
~~ not stopping at Zebra/pedestrian crossing. In Europe, they even stop for an animal. Here, its just another 'drawing on the road'! Please, be mindful why these pedestrian crossing come about and RESPECT it! You may need to use the pedestrian crossing one day, perhaps then you will learn to respect it. (hopefully)
~~ parking in front of a person's house, blocking its entrance. Just because you are here to see a friend/relative doesn't give you the royal card to park anyway you wish! Please, please, do respect others.
~~ conveniently throwing their rubbish out of their car window!!!! How I wish sometimes I have a bag full of rubbish and throw it into their cars, just so they get a taste of their own medicine! Perhaps, then they will learn to keep the city/streets clean.
~~~ do not allow those inside to come out first. Excuse me...hello??? If they can't come out, how are you gonna get in??? DUH!!!
~~~ first to enter but do not hold the lift for others to enter. Would it break your finger to hold on to the elevator buttons so that others can get it? Can't read? They have it in easy readable icons!! Even kids know how to do it. Thank you.
~~~ do not check if anyone else wants to come on board. Selfishly closing the door shut without checking if someone else may need to use the lift. C' on...what's the rush? Pluzzzz be considerate. It doesn't cost you a sen to hold it open for others.
~~~ Please stand to one side so that those in a hurry can pass through, do not obstruct the entire escalator. Stand on the left, so that those in a hurry can pass through. One day, you may be the one rushing, so.....
Etiquette :
~~~~ spitting on the road! so disgusting!
~~~~ open house rush. Excuse me, ever heard of QUEUING?? I know food is free but I am sure the host knows how to estimate number of people attending, right? After all, they have been doing it for years...
~~~~ piling up food at buffet!!! There's plenty to go around, so take it slow and easy okay, lest you get choked! Worse still...hoarding food and then can't finish it!!! Selfish!!!
~~~~ squeezing fruits. If you need to squeeze, please go squeeze a stress/tennis ball, leave them fruits alone!
~~~~ slurping. We are NOT Japanese. It's not our culture to slurp to show appreciation for the food served. It is disgusting! So, please eat quietly and politely. Thanks!
~~~~ talking with a mouth full. Errr....I don't like to know what you are gnawing, thank you. There's no rush. Take your time to gnaw & swallow your food before speaking.
~~~~ starring. Why? Do I look like a freak to you? If I don't then STOP starring!!!
~~~~ smoking indoors!!! Grrrrr....
~~~~ throwing rubbish at the signage stating no rubbish throwing zone. I guess literacy is still low....?!?!?!?!? Am perplex as all Malaysians have to learn Bahasa Malaysia yet many can't read....sigh....
Customer Service :
~~~ "I don't know". Guess it is easier to say "I don't know" then to learn more or take the effort to find out before saying "I don't know". If you don't know then why are you here in the first place????
~~~ calling patrons or customers "uncle or aunty" or "Ah Sow or Low Sai aka boss". Errr...hello, since when did I marry your uncle? Or since when did I become your boss??? A simple Sir & Ma'am would suffice. It is more pleasant and appropriate.
~~~ Errr why are we charged service tax when there is NO service??? Can we claim it back? How come there is no complaint department to handle such complaints??
When will we ever learn & change??? If you have any annoying habits that irks you, drop me a line to share your thoughts....
Until the next blog...Take care and let's all think before we act. Cheers!!!!
That's quite a long list you have there.
It does seem that we have citizens who are uncool, uncouth and have poor etiquette. Who is responsible for this behavior? Our parents, the education system? Or go further back to our ancestors?
My grouse to add to your list.
Some Malaysians mangle the English language until it resembles a crush, pulverized sugar cane stem.
Malaysians not only talk loud but some of them pepper every sentence with expletives. That to me is intolerable, disgusting, and most of all disrespectful to their own mothers and all women in general!
Philotoyourhealth ~ good questions that I have no answers, unfortunately.
I like the manner you sum up how Malaysians mangle the English language...hehehehe...
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